Medicinal Herbal Garden Visit - 2023
As a part of the important academic activities, Visit to Medicinal garden had been arranged by Siddhi’s Institute of pharmacy, Nandgaon for First year D Pharm students. As response to that around 65 students actively participated in the scientific activity. It had been commenced with the gather of the entire participated student at College campus sharply at 09:30 a.m. All the participants are then conveyed to the said location i.e. Samarthkrupa Medicinal herbal garden, Saralgaon by College bus to get participation in the scientific activity. During visit to medicinal garden all the students along with lecturers gain lot of information about all the medicinal plants. Well Trained guide from the Samarthkrupa Medicinal herbal garden presented so many aspects of all the medicinal plants to the students. Various kinds of plants that we come across are: Amla. Beheda, Adhatoda, Allium, Aloe, Cannabis, Cardamom, Clove, Common lavender, Coriander, Datura herb, Fennel, Green Tea, Periwinkle, RaktaChandan, Rauwolfia, Sarpagandha, Zingiber, Davana herb, Anise herb, Rosemary plant etc. During the visit, all the students practically come to know well about morphology of the various medicinally plants as well as essential pharmacognostical information about the plants.